Customer Stories Promotion

Share your story illustration by Cavy Art

Customer Stories Promotion

As they say, SHARING is CARING!

We would LOVE to see how you created your Cagetopia for your piggies in your home. We want to be able to share your images and story and tell people how to do something like it if they desire.

We have forums, Facebook pages, and Facebook groups for sharing your stories and great pics and experience as well. But social media has a lot of limitations on staying power and being able to provide deep and detailed information and great support.

So, when someone has a particularly awesome setup in some way, we want to feature it with more permanence, inspiration to others, and 'how-to's' to go along with it. So, our requirements about what we are looking for are a little more particular. 


High quality, high resolution image of an interesting Cagetopia setup that can serve as inspiration to others for various reasons.

IDEALLY, we much prefer showing products from BOTH stores, our cages store and the market for fleece and such. You can earn a bigger discount (one from each store) if you show both. If you aren't showing GP Market fleece products, please do not over-emphasize the fleece patterns or products. 

  • High-Quality, High Resolution, In Focus Image
  • Big Picture of your Cagetopia CAGE -- at least one image showing the complete setup
  • Videos welcome, additionally
  • Multiple images are preferred.
  • Happy to show your pigs and peeps if you like, so you can send those images and NOTE the CAPTIONS you want.


Full Feature Selection - 10% Coupon

If we select your story to publish on our store (at our discretion), we'll send you a 10% discount coupon to use on Cagetopia. If you also included Market products in your submission, you'll also receive a 10% coupon to use on the Market. We'll decide fairly quickly and send the discount if chosen, but we may hold it for publication until a later date.

Social Share Selection - 5% Coupon

If we aren't able to publish your story on the site for whatever reason, but still want to promote your look or vibe on social media and such, then we'll send you a 5% discount coupon to use for Cagetopia and again, if you included Market products, you'll also receive a 5% discount coupon for the Market. We'll decide fairly quickly and send the discount if selected.

Have you already sent us some great images?

We have quite a few customer stories in the queue from some wonderful shares from our great customers. If you want to pop us an email and make sure you are on our radar, please do!!


Just use the CONTACT US form on our Contact us page. You can upload pics and send us as much description or text to go along with it as you like.

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