Fall in Love with your Piggies!

We were inspired by the beautiful Blue and Pink Forest Fabric available on the GP Market along with our new Cagetopia Dome Grids! We bring you a new and interesting configuration for your happy cavies. Position your Piggy Patio mid-cage (on a large enough cage, of course), cut another opening, add one of our ramps and you've got another fun, Zoomie Central layout for your guinea pigs to enjoy! This is best suited with our big Jumbo-sized cage.

This Cagetopia Creation features:

While we don't show it this way, a good option for the Cavy Cafe is to put the long side against the back wall, allowing them a one-grid wide pass-through underneath the Patio. We have the Cavy Cafes in the center so that the ramp landings end on the floor rather than in the Kitchen area (Cafe).

From the GP Market:

Tri-Level, 2 Group, JUMBO cage with Storage

pink and brown C&C Cagetopia cage

This cage configuration is good for two groups of guinea pigs. Each group has a two-level cage. We would recommend one or two females on the bottom and one or two males on the top level, depending on your needs. Fair warning that cleaning the bottom left 2x3 grid cage is going to take a little finesse because the reach through the 10" to 11" double-wide grid opening is going to take some care, stretching and long arms or sticking your head in there. All doable, just takes some doing. :)

The Roomie Zoomie ramps on top are best suited for males or a group that doesn't get along all the time, as they'll have more room to run around and get away from each other.

If you have any intact males with females in the vicinity and you decide to get creative with the layout, just make sure that if you ever have just a grid wall between the two, make sure there is at least one grid of a ceiling over any walls so a highly motivated male cannot jump the barrier. For example, if you have males on top and females below, you might want to cover the very top level to discourage any young adventurers.

This cage takes the floor footprint of our JUMBO cage which is 30"x90" or 2.5 by 7.5 feet.

Cage Components Include:


This cage setup is NOT intended for C&C newbies. :) It's going to take some dedicated effort and patience. When you order the component parts, we'll include the directions for putting each section together as stand alone items. We do not have detailed instructions for this unique assembly. But, it's totally doable with the right attitude, desire and a little patience!

We can help advise you if you want to contact us and see if it's appropriate for your situation.

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